Sponsor the project

In a world where the gap between the privileged and the marginalized continues to widen, few opportunities offer the chance to bridge that divide with real, measurable impact. Somos is one of those rare opportunities: a project not designed to impose, but to empower. And this is where you can make a difference.

By sponsoring Somos, you join a global movement that celebrates humanity’s diverse cultures, champions social justice, and transforms lives across continents. Together, we can build a future where every voice is heard, every culture is respected, and every community thrives. Contact us to explore sponsorship opportunities.

Unmatched visibility and leadership

Sponsoring Somos goes beyond a simple contribution: it positions your organization as a leader in social responsibility and cultural preservation. Your brand will gain visibility through books, multimedia exhibitions, films, and a dedicated magazine that showcases the stories of the communities we serve. Each platform provides an authentic space for your organization to align with global human rights, cultural conservation, and the empowerment of marginalized communities.

Additionally, your support will be highlighted on Ayzoh! World of Ayzoh!, an interactive digital platform that connects people and organizations committed to social change. This map is a dynamic tool for fostering collaboration and expanding your network in meaningful ways, making your contribution visible to a global audience dedicated to positive impact.

Impact that matters

Your sponsorship directly contributes to fostering self-determination and resilience within marginalized communities. It’s not about charity: it’s about partnering with communities to help them lead their own development. Your organization will be part of a movement that brings tangible, lasting change, ensuring that your investment has a measurable and sustainable impact.

Corporate responsibility with global reach

As a prominent sponsor of Somos, your brand will be associated with global equity, cultural preservation, and social justice. With increasing scrutiny on the role of corporations in addressing social and environmental challenges, partnering with Somos enhances your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) profile. Through our transparent operations and regular updates, we ensure that your name is linked to a transformative project that stands for real, lasting change.

A legacy of change

Investing in Somos is not just about the present: it’s about creating a lasting legacy. Your support helps lay the foundation for future generations to thrive, empowering them to preserve their cultural heritage while pursuing their aspirations.