Comunidad Ancestral Viviente
Explore the project

What is Somos

Somos is Ayzoh!’s global multimedia project and a movement that connects indigenous peoples from diverse cultures with supporters worldwide. Integrated with the Ayzoh! World, it bridges struggles for justice, freedom, and dignity, creating a network of solidarity and offering a message of hope and resilience that resonates far beyond borders, uniting those who see these efforts as essential to the future of all communities.

  • Somos — We are A single word, a declaration of existence. It’s not just a name, but an affirmation of life, of connection. It says: “We are here. We exist as one.” It speaks to our shared humanity, to the collective spirit that binds us together across time and space.
  • Comunidad — Community More than a group of people, it is a living circle, a gathering of souls bound by shared roots and common dreams. It’s a space of belonging, where each individual is part of something greater: a collective heartbeat that echoes the wisdom of the Earth
  • Ancestral — Ancestral A word that carries the weight of generations, a lineage stretching back through centuries. It honors those who came before us: their stories, their struggles, their victories. The ancestors are not gone; they live within us, shaping who we are and who we are yet to become.
  • Viviente — Living This community is not a relic of the past; it breathes, it grows, it transforms. It is alive, vibrant, constantly renewing itself in harmony with the present, while carrying the timeless wisdom of its origins.

A call from Ayzoh!

Somos – Comunidad Ancestral Viviente brings together the unique wisdom of Indigenous peoples from around the world with individuals who believe in the universal value of their heritage. 

This rich tapestry of knowledge, community spirit, spirituality, art, solidarity, and respect for nature carries the seeds of a more just and sustainable future: one that transcends borders, cultures, and religions.

Our roots

Since our beginnings in Acupé, a small village in Bahia in 2008, Ayzoh! has been amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.

With nothing but our skills honed through decades in international reportage and communication, we offered our work to those whose stories were often overlooked. Despite the financial sacrifices, we’ve never regretted that choice.

Over the years, we’ve worked with many communities across three continents, reaching thousands of lives. From each one, we have learned vital lessons.

Despite differences in geography, culture, or faith, Indigenous communities share a common thread: they are guardians of wisdom and an inherent, unspoken ethic of togetherness.

These communities stand in contrast to the often divisive, ideological, and egocentric nature of the so-called “Western world.” What they practice every day, without fanfare or self-promotion, is what in Western society is deemed extraordinary.

Words that have been twisted, diluted, and commercialized — solidarity, inclusion, resilience, storytelling — are simply woven into the fabric of their existence. They don’t need to declare them; they live them.

A shared struggle

This way of life is not exclusive to Indigenous communities in Latin America, Africa, or Asia. There are pockets within the “Western world” where people still resist a system that, under the guise of freedom, slowly erodes sacred values, controls language, and uses art as a sermon, all while widening the gap between society’s haves and have-nots.

These Indigenous communities are a living defense against a seemingly inevitable tide of exclusion, control, and violence towards those who refuse to conform.

Alive and evolving

For centuries, researchers, academics, and photographers have studied and documented these communities, often treating them as relics of the past, something to preserve or defend. But “Somos” shifts the narrative. 

These communities are not disappearing: they are alive, evolving, and brimming with life. They don’t need spectators; they need allies to walk with them on a shared path forward.

A universal journey

Our journey begins in Guatemala, where we found inspiration in the Plan National de Pastoral Indígena, a document of 176 points brought to our attention by Father Clemente. 

It blends the social vision of the Gospel with the ancient wisdom of the Mayan Popol Vuh, drawing parallels with the African concept of Ubuntu, Sufism, Northern European animism, Eastern traditions, and Western humanism.

For each of these 176 points, we will craft visual narratives — stories of real people and places — and illustrate their connections to other cultures, religions, and geographies. 

Our goal is to create a universal story, building a concrete and collective movement for social change through collaborative editorial work, cultural exchanges, and meetings without borders.

Join us

This is an ambitious, challenging, and sometimes dangerous work-in-progress. We invite you to be a part of this movement. Thank you for joining us.

With respect,

Claudio Maria Lerario
President, Ayzoh!

We invite you to explore and join Somos

Be part of a global effort to foster unity, justice, and dignity for all. Your contribution empowers Indigenous communities to thrive, ensuring their voices are heard on a global stage.

Continue reading to explore the origins of SOMOS, its objectives, and the incredible communities we work with around the world.

  • Why Somos / Why it matters
  • Genesis of the project
  • Plan National de Pastoral Indigena
  • Obiectives of Somos
  • Action plan
  • Methodology / Frugality and excellence
  • Youth and school exchange
  • Timing and budget
  • Team and organization involved
  • What does "Indigenous" mean?