A reimagining beyond “newspeak”: in a world where language is often diluted and manipulated, we choose to reclaim the meaning of key words that guide our work at Ayzoh!.

Community, identity, storytelling, unity… Words are not mere jargon for us; they are powerful tools that shape our worldview and actions.

We want to clarify what these words mean to us, ensuring that their true essence is preserved and not reduced to the clichés of modern discourse.


The term “community” is often overused and taken out of context. For us, a community is an aggregation of people who:

Recognize a common identity and belong to something greater than themselves, sharing values of responsibility toward themselves, others, and nature.

Offer each other support, protection, and mutual aid, sharing gifts, knowledge, and skills to grow both personally and collectively.

Embrace individual differences as strengths that enhance unity, fostering a deeper search for common ground.

Cultivate openness and inclusiveness toward people, knowledge, and ways of being that align with their values.

Seek balance between individual freedom and respect for others, harmonizing personal and collective needs.


We acknowledge the complexity of the concept of identity and the misunderstandings and manipulations it has sparked throughout history, especially since the advent of writing.

We offer a meaning of “identity” that remains as open and fluid as possible, recognizing its foundation in polarities that can seem irreconcilable: individual versus collective, past versus present, origin versus future vision.

For Ayzoh!, identity is the collection of experiences that make us unique, offering awareness and authenticity. We reject the idea that authenticity is a rigid copy of a past narrative. Instead, we see personal and collective identity as a dynamic construct shaped by encounters with others, defined by a continual search for one’s place in the world.

Authentic identity, therefore, results from a process of transformation and self-discovery in relation to others — not fixation on past, trendy, or future ideals. We understand it as a narrative nurtured by relationships, a source of growth and learning, rather than by divisions, classifications, or hierarchies.

We emphasize that encounters happen first between people, not cultures; cultures are lived, interpreted, and shared by human beings, not as independent entities.


Storytelling has always been a cornerstone of human experience, passing down knowledge and values through generations.

It serves a vital function in reinforcing group identity and strengthening community bonds. While this role is most apparent in societies grounded in oral traditions, it persists in varying forms in written cultures through education, media, and art.

Today, however, many narratives serve more political or commercial interests than they do the education of values meaningful to communities and individuals. At Ayzoh!, we aim to restore storytelling to its original purpose: constructing meaning in the world. We strive to uncover in local stories a universal breath, finding values that connect all humans beyond their divisions.

We focus on the concept of “truth,” not as a single version but as a shared understanding—a product of exchange and dialogue where all can see themselves and take responsibility.

Storytelling, for us, is an act that connects people, experiences, and knowledge across distances, creating shared meaning, expressing diverse identities, and envisioning a future built on beauty, respect, and mutual understanding.


Unity is the heartbeat of every photograph we take, every word we write, every initiative we pursue, every story we tell. It is our guiding star, yet like all things that fall into the hands of marketing and politics, it risks being twisted, reduced to a tool for manipulation.

The ideal of human unity has been with us since the dawn of civilization. With the rise of the internet and instant communication, it has never seemed closer to realization. Yet paradoxically, the nearer we seem to come to this ideal, the more it seems to slip away. The need for unity has never been so great, and yet, this same unity, seen as inevitable, can also feel threatening.

At Ayzoh!, we reclaim “unity” in its most genuine and profound sense. For us, true unity cannot exist without equality of opportunity, sharing, freedom of movement, the individual development of one’s own inclinations and talents, and liberation — both personal and social — from the chains of possession, envy, and jealousy.

Unity is joy, true solidarity, knowing — beyond any difference or personal history — who we can always count on, in success and failure, in joy and adversity. It is about building connections that go deeper than the surface, that transcend the fleeting and the temporary.

Most importantly, unity is not the absence of difference; it is the embrace of it. It is not conformity, but the celebration of uniqueness. It is not about agreement, but understanding. It is not static, but dynamic, alive: a constant movement toward a greater whole.

So, let us stand together, speak together, act together. Not because we are the same, but because we are bound by the same human spirit that seeks to live fully, love deeply, and leave the world better than we found it.

For in unity, we find not just strength, but meaning. Not just survival, but purpose. Not just coexistence, but a shared journey toward the best of what we can become, together.

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